Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Outline (accidentally overwritten with final)

A neighborhood populated with the poor can still manage themselves through health, meals, etc. via government giving them money, or food stamps. Governments who could care less about the wellbeing of their own people will be creating slums. The Slums are not the best place to visit, nonetheless live in, for its sanitation is well below any poorly maintained bathroom. With garbage and waste scattered across these grounds, the chance of the inhabitants of Slums obtaining any disease is very likely and the death toll on children would be devastating, as their weak/young immune systems cannot handle this environment. The fact that Slums even exist shows the potential in what human populations around the world could look like.
When people are left in poor sanitation, the cost of lives is tremendous. Slums are basically wastelands. Having garbage as the ground itself, is simply a norm. Onegera’s quote in source 2, proves this when he says, “That’s the sewage. Now it’s passing through the slum.” (paraphrase). Explanation. This poor sanitation can lead to deadly diseases.
Diseases are easy to come by in slums. Children die often in slums due to their weak young immune systems. i. (Quote) ii. (Paraphrase). Explanation. Poor sanitation and diseases are common in slums. But to have the rest of the world be potentially just that, is unacceptable.
Slums show what the world can potentially be if the population keeps increasing at an alarming rate. Supporting Evidence. (Quote) (Paraphrase) Explanation. These factors are what create a Slum. They do not have any positive effect on anyone.
When the government abandons a group of people within their country, Slums are created. Slums are areas where people are forced to live in poor sanitation, diseases are easy to come by and show what the rest of the world could potentially be. (Summarize Arguments) If humanity did not have proper leadership, then wouldn’t the world just be one giant slum?

Friday, October 7, 2011

Thesis Statement (correction)

Slums are areas in which people are forced to live in poor sanitation, where diseases are easy to come by and show the potential in what the rest of the world could be if the population keeps increasing at an alarming rate.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Introduction Paragraph

A neighborhood populated with the poor can still manage themselves through health, meals, etc. via government giving them money, or food stamps. Governments who could care less about the well being of their own people will be creating slums. The Slums are not the best place to visit, nonetheless live in, for it's sanitation is well below any poorly maintained bathroom. With garbage and waste scattered across these grounds, the chance of the inhabitants of Slums obtaining any disease is very likely and the death toll on children would be devastating, as their weak/young immune systems cannot handle this environment. The fact that Slums even exist shows the potential in what human populations around the world could look like.